All members of our academy community are valued and are offered wide ranging opportunities to enable high standards of achievement. All policies within the academy support inclusion and are reflected in academy development planning.
The objectives of our SEND code of practice are:
- At Ark All Saints Academy we welcome scholars with special educational needs as part of our community and we will ensure that all scholars have an equal opportunity to engage in the curriculum.
- We value all scholars equally.
- We recognise that we will need to consider the individual needs of scholars when planning our curriculum. We will provide a curriculum which is accessible to the individual needs of our scholars.
- We recognise that some scholars will need additional support to ensure access to the whole curriculum. We will ensure that the needs of scholars are identified and assessed and we will provide appropriate support strategies. If additional specialist advice and support is necessary we will contact the appropriate external agencies.
- We recognise the importance of early identification and assessment of scholars with special educational needs. We will develop practices and procedures to ensure that all scholars’ special educational needs are identified and assessed, and the curriculum will be planned to meet their needs.
- We recognise the vital role of parents/carers in the identification, assessment and response to their child’s special educational needs. We will work in true partnership with parents/carers, valuing their views and contributions and keeping them fully involved in their child’s education.
- We believe in the involvement of the child and the importance of taking their views into account. We will make every effort to involve the child in decision-making about their special educational provision.
- We are committed to effective collaboration between all agencies working with a child and a multi-disciplinary approach to meeting scholars’ special educational needs. We will actively support the establishment and maintenance of close links with all agencies working with the child.