Highly trained, passionate staff

A teacher affects a scholar's achievement more than any other factor. As part of Ark Schools, our teachers access sector-leading training and expertise from across the network.

Teacher and scholar

Ark Music Programme

Designed to foster a life-long love of music, the Ark Music Programme offers a wealth of experience for all scholars at all levels, including an annual Music Gala where scholars have the opportunity to perform at a national level.

Final performance of the Ark Music Gala 2022 at the Barbican

State-of-the-art digital resources

Every scholar from Year 7 receives a Chromebook and access to a range of high-quality digital resources.

Scholars on a laptop

Part of Ark Schools Network

Ark schools have an proven record of continually improving learner outcomes.

Ark Athletics Championship

World-expanding extracurricular offer

Life at our Academy is so much more than just lessons. Whether learning an instrument, taking part in a school performance, representing the school at sport, or something else entirely, we are confident every scholar will find an extra-curricular activity they love at our school.

Scholars playing football

Excellent pastoral support

At our school, we promote positive mental health for every scholar and member of staff. Our on-site kitchen take pride in preparing fresh, healthy lunches for scholars every day.

Scholars on staircase